Free UKSG webinar: The University Library as Publisher

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This webinar has now passed. You may still register here to receive a link to a recording of the webinar.


The speakers have kindly made her slides available. Please use the correct attribution if you wish to use them.

Janet Aucock’s slides

Jackie Proven’s slides

Angela Laurins’ slides


Thank you to all participants for your interesting and varied comments and questions and to the speakers for responding. A PDF of the webinar’s Q&As is available here


“The University Library as Publisher is an extremely practical webinar for any library or institution considering open access journal hosting. The presenters gave me much to think about as our library and university consider the pros and cons of hosting an open access service.” – Mary Rausch, West Texas A&M University

“High quality webinars that are a great way of keeping up to date with initiatives outwith your own institution.” – Sonia Wilson, University of Stirling

“Presenters and Chair were all excellent, kept to their time, subject and individual case studies very well.  Thank you.” – Suzanne Redmond Maloco, Maynooth University


94% of survey respondents would recommend this webinar.

This is a fantastic opportunity to listen to expert speakers, with the added benefit of no travelling required! You will also receive a link to a recording of the webinar so that you can listen again at a time convenient to you.

This is a free webinar.



Join us to understand how two University Libraries (Edinburgh and St Andrews) have responded to requests for supporting a journal hosting service for the institution – why, how and future sustainability. We will cover progression of the service and the levels of support we can provide, with examples of the range of journals and flexibility of our approach. We will also describe how it fits in with our Open Access support services.

Date: Wednesday 29 October 2014

Time: 1400 BST

Duration: 45 minutes including Q&A (up to 60 minutes maximum if there is sufficient demand for an extended Q&A)



Jacqueline Proven, Repository Support Officer, University of St Andrews Library
Janet Aucock, Head of Cataloguing and Repository Services, University of St Andrews
Angela Laurins, Library Learning Services Manager, University of Edinburgh

Jackie Proven is Repository Support Officer in the University of St Andrews Library. Jackie’s role is to provide support and advocacy for open access to research publications, and to support the integration of the University’s Research Information System (PURE) with the digital research repository (Research@StAndrews:FullText). She manages the open access support team and co-ordinates the University’s central funding for open access. Jackie is also responsible for development and promotion of new repository services which support scholarly communication and increase the visibility of research outputs. These services include the Library’s Journal Hosting Service which enables academic staff and students to set up their own open access journals.


Janet is currently Head of Cataloguing and Repository Services at the University of St Andrews.  Based in the University Library she manages the Open Access & Research Publications Support Team and in addition manages the Cataloguing team and the University’s online catalogue SAULCAT. Open Access and research services are centred on Research@StAndrews:FullText, which is the University’s DSpace digital full text repository and on PURE the University’s Current Research Information System. The OARPS team now support a variety of services including: managing central funds from RCUK, Wellcome and the University for the payment of APCs; training and support for funder open access policies, publisher policies and licensing/copyright; managing a Journal Hosting Service. The team supported REF2014 and are now closely involved in preparations for the post 2014 REF in the light of the new HEFCE open access policy.


Angela Laurins is Library Learning Services Manager at the University of Edinburgh. As part of her role, Angela manages the University’s Journal Hosting Service.  She works closely with the Library’s Digital Development Team to provide support for academic and student-led open access journals using Open Journal Systems (OJS). Angela has been working with OJS since 2009, when the Library first piloted the use of OJS, and has developed the service in response to the growth in demand for a reliable platform on which to publish open access journals. Angela’s role also includes managing the implementation of the Talis Aspire reading list system and the extensive library blog platform.  She’s interested in discovery, UX and trying to make library websites better.


  • Understanding how open access publishing initiatives could be delivered for academic staff and students in your institution.

Subject level and previous knowledge required:

Introductory and non-intensive, no previous knowledge or experience required.

To gain a flavour of the journal hosting services available at St Andrews and Edinburgh, you may like to browse the folowing pages ahead of the webinar:

University of St Andrews Library Journal Hosting Service

University of St Andrews Journal Hosting Service FAQs

University of Edinburgh Journal Hosting Service

University of Edinburgh Information Services



This is a free webinar and is open to members and non-members of UKSG alike.

This webinar has now passed. You may still register here to receive a link to a recording of the webinar.

Notes for Participants: To help you prepare for UKSG webinars, you may like to read our Notes for Participants.

Unable to attend? Register anyway and we will send you a link to a recording of the webinar after the event.

If you have already registered and are subsequently unable to attend, please do not cancel your registration – absentees receive the recording in a follow-up e-mail.

Please note: Participation in the live event is limited to the first 500 people to join on the day. (All registered will receive the recording.)



Please send your questions to Maria Campbell.



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