Awards and Bursaries

UKSG is pleased to offer two main awards and bursaries:

  • John Merriman Joint NASIG/UKSG Award
  • Sponsored Places for the Annual Conference and Exhibition

John Merriman Joint NASIG/UKSG Award

NASIG and UKSG are sister organisations that both host prestigious annual conferences. One lucky winner will have the chance to attend both events. The award is intended to cover travel and accommodation costs and each award recipient will also receive paid conference registration for both events.


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Named in honour of John Merriman, in recognition of his work in founding both UKSG and NASIG, it provides an invaluable opportunity for people to learn and share experiences. Our thanks to Taylor & Francis for once again sponsoring this award.

In addition, UKSG gives full financial support to the UK award winner to attend the UKSG Annual Conference.


Sponsored Places for the Annual Conference and Exhibition


Every year, UKSG offers free places for students and professionals working as librarians, publishers or intermediaries to attend its Annual Conference. Our thanks to those sponsors who have stepped forward to offer support to 3 of our 2024 delegates: AIP Publishing, Royal Society of Chemistry and Wiley.

This year we are delighted to be able to increase the number of sponsored places, and have chosen the broaden the criteria for applications, in addition to students and early career professionals, we would also like to hear from people who haven’t had an opportunity to attend the conference before and people who can bring a voice or perspective that is underrepresented within our sector.

Benefits of attending include:

  • learning about the newest developments in scholarly communications from librarians, publishers and intermediaries.
  • discovering some of the latest products and services available to information professionals
  • networking and sharing experiences with colleagues from the global scholarly communications sector.

The successful applicants attending over the last few years have, without exception, found the experience both valuable and enjoyable. Given the challenges that all members of the information community currently face, and the continuing rapid pace of change, the opportunity to attend the UKSG Annual Conference is both exciting and highly relevant to those seeking employment or advancing their careers in the near future.

The award covers the cost of attendance at the conference, including all meals, entertainment and accommodation. In return for the sponsorship, winners are required to submit a report of the conference, which will be considered for publication in UKSG eNews. Travel expenses up to a certain amount are refunded on presentation of the report.

Other Awards

A number of student bursaries for the UKSG Forum are also offered each year.