KBART: exchange


5.2.1 Method of Exchange

Content providers should post holdings data to a website or FTP site for download by
link resolver suppliers. This minimizes the effort involved in the transaction for both

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a simple protocol for allowing users to exchange files. It
allows access to the metadata to be restricted to authorized users, though content
providers should recognize that broad dissemination of information about accessing their
content is in their best interest, and multiple link resolvers (including libraries managing
their own link resolvers) should be able to access the data.

Posting to the web or to an FTP site is preferable to e-mail exchange because it is
harder to incorporate e-mail into an automated process for checking, validating, and
uploading new data. E-mail exchanges are also subject to length restrictions, spam
filters, and individuals’ availability. However, if posting to the web or FTP site is
unachievable, then e-mail is an acceptable alternative. The data from the tab-delimited
file (see Section should be placed in the body of the e-mail; the e-mail’s subject
line should also follow the naming convention given in Section

5.2.2 Frequency of Exchange

A monthly metadata update is recommended; however, when content is added less
frequently than monthly, content providers may then choose a less frequent schedule for
updates. Alternatively, providers may update data more frequently than once a month if
they wish.

5.2.3 Data Contacts

Both the content provider and the knowledge base developer should designate specific
staff members to be responsible for data files and exchange. Doing so expedites
resolution of any problems that may develop. Content providers will need to inform the
designated knowledge base developer contact about any changes to the data exchange
process. Knowledge base developers will need to inform the designated content provider
contact about any errors in the data. Both contacts will need to take responsibility for
passing messages to the appropriate staff within their organization and ensuring
appropriate action is taken. To facilitate this relationship, the KBART Working Group will
also provide a web form that will be editable by the community to add details of content
provider and knowledge base developer contacts. A link to this web form will be provided
on the KBART web pages.