AGM – Minutes 2001

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
held on Tuesday 3 April 2001 at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh

1. Chair’s Introduction and Confirmation of Quorum

The Chair thanked all the members for coming and confirmed that the meeting was quorate.

2. Apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Wyeth Research Laboratories.

3. Minutes of the 22nd Annual General Meeting held on 11th April 2000

The minutes of the previous meeting held at Keele University were accepted as a true and accurate record of the proceedings.

4. Matters arising

There were no matters arising.

5. Reports of the Officers

All the Officers’ reports had previously been circulated to the members. The officers highlighted certain items as follows:

5.1 Chair

Christine Fyfe referred to the changes in the administration over the previous year. Alison Whitehorn had become the Business Manager in May 2000 and a new Administrator, Karen Sadler, had started in October 2000. Ally Souster continued as the Group’s Accounts Administrator. John Merriman had stood down as Editor of Serials after the completion of the 2000 volume. Christine Fyfe told the meeting that John Merriman was the founder of the UKSG and intended to continue to attend the Conference. She thanked him warmly for his enormous contribution over the years. Helen Henderson and Hazel Woodward had agreed to become joint editors and would bring a wealth of experience from across the industry. It was their intention to develop the journal and to this end they had already recruited eminent international members to the Editorial Board. Christine Fyfe concluded that many people had contributed to the Group throughout the year and thanked them all, with particular thanks to Chris Beckett and Richard Gedye who were leaving the Committee this year.

5.2 Secretary

Jill Taylor-Roe stressed the importance of getting people involved in the UKSG and encouraged those interested in assisting to let Committee members know. She explained that the main Committee met at various locations throughout the year and requested offers of suitable venues. Jill Taylor-Roe informed the meeting that the 2002 Conference, which would be the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Group, would take place at the University of Warwick and the Conference would then return to Heriot-Watt University for 2003.

5.3 Treasurer

Keith Courtney reported that, although the Group had budgeted for a small loss at year-end 2000, the Group had, in fact, achieved a small surplus. This was due in part to the excellent attendance at the Keele Conference and in part to the underspend on administration due to staff shortages for part of the year. He outlined the policy of the Group which was to retain sufficient reserves to cover the single largest item of expenditure, the annual conference.

There had been additional expenditure on Serials, which was now available online as an extra membership benefit. Future budgeting had had to include at least 50% more on conference as costs were rising. Additional funding would also be required to cover legal costs in seeking incorporation.

5.3.1 2002 Membership subscription rate

Richard Gedye proposed that the current rate should rise by £2.00 to £69.50 (+ VAT of £6.69 on 55% of the membership fee) for 2002, an increase of 3%. This proposal was seconded by Terry Morrow and carried unanimously.

5.3.2 Appointment of Auditors

Auditors Keith Courtney proposed that Bowman & Co, Chartered Accountants be reappointed as the Group’s auditors. This proposal was carried unanimously.

5.4 Education Officer

Paul Harwood stated that the Education Group would be happy to accommodate any members wishing to join. He reported that Serials Resource Management seminars were still proving very popular and that the UKSG had announced new dissertation awards of 2 x £1,000 for those studying librarianship and information studies. The Group would be identifying specific library sectors, e.g. medical/health/NHS throughout the year and targeting seminars at these groups.

5.5 Marketing

Richard Gedye reported it had been a design-oriented year, taking into account the importance of the online element of Serials as well as the printed word. A new logo had been developed and a new website was now being launched which would be fully implemented shortly. He stated that the Marketing Committee would have an important job in the year to come with the future development of Serials and Serials online under Helen Henderson and Hazel Woodward, as well as liaison with the Education Group in marketing to new sectors.

6. Appointment of Executive Officers

One nomination only had been received for each of the three Executive Officer posts and the following appointments were now confirmed:

Chair Christine Fyfe (University of Warwick)
Secretary Jill Taylor-Roe (University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne)
Treasurer Keith Courtney (Taylor & Francis)

7. Announcement of Results of the Election for Members of the Committee

The elected members of the Committee for 2001/2002 were announced as follows:

David Alsmeyer (BT), Mick Archer (AztraZeneca R&D Charnwood), Jayne Everard (Staffordshire University), Paul Harwood (Swets Blackwell), Richard Hodson (RoweCom), Tony Kidd (University of Glasgow), Ross MacIntyre (MIMAS, University of Manchester), Terry Morrow (ingenta), Lyndsay Rees-Jones (Library Association).

8. Constitutional Matters

Christine Fyfe referred to the document ‘UKSG Constitutional Matters’ that had been circulated with the Notice of the Annual General Meeting and summarised the key points. The Group had increased in size and complexity since its inception 24 years ago and now employed three staff and obtained professional advice and services where appropriate.

A review had been conducted, assisted by professionals, which had highlighted that members, and particularly Executive Officers, were personally liable for any debts, including legal costs, which the Group might incur. Professional advice also indicated that the Group’s tax position ‘could be clarified in a positive way’. The Committee therefore proposed that the Group become a company limited by financial guarantee.

Christine Fyfe then put forward the following Resolution, explaining that the term ‘Group’ was not acceptable to Companies House, but that the name ‘UKSG’ could continue to be used as a trading name:

Resolution A:
That the members resolve that the Group be dissolved as a unincorporated association and that its assets and liabilities be passed to a new company, “The United Kingdom Serials Association”, the first directors of which will be the members elected to serve on what would have been the Executive Committee for the coming year.

This Resolution was accepted unanimously.

Christine Fyfe then put forward a second Resolution:

Resolution B:
That, on adoption of the new company, the UK Serials Association, the Council of Management be empowered to review the Memorandum and Articles of the company, to bring about, as far as is desirable for the promotion of the objects of the company, any necessary changes.

This Resolution was accepted unanimously.

9. Any Other Business


Christine Fyfe declared the meeting adjourned until the report of the Council of Management.