UKSG Open Educational Resources online seminar 2025

This seminar takes place over one day looking at how resources are being developed and promoted, and how others have approached the creation and management of OER policies. We welcome speakers from the UK and USA to this session.



Wednesday, May 7, 2025 – 10:00 BST
to 16:30 BST

United Kingdom

About the Event

Registration will open shortly.

UKSG membership rate: £70+VAT

Non-membership rate: £82.00+VAT

Details of membership can be found at

The next few years will see a continual increase in the amount of materials created by educational and aligned organisations, much of which will be accessible to peers, students and the general population across the globe. The opportunities for sharing Open Education Resources are greater than ever. This widespread change has led to many ethical and practical questions around ownership, hosting and copyright. This seminar explores the current OER landscape, looks at how some of these issues are being addressed, and highlights the opportunities presented by the growth of OER resources.

Delegates will have a chance to hear from a variety of different perspectives, which will include how open resources can support teaching and learning, how resources are being developed and promoted, and how others have approached the creation and management of OER policies. This course is aimed at anyone who is keen to understand more about Open Educational Resources, with a view to creating them, making use of them for teaching and learning, or creating policies around them. 

DO NOTE:  We welcome participants from all corners of the globe to join our seminars, however speakers and topics for this event are generally UK focused and times are in GMT, if you have any doubt about the suitability, please don’t hesitate to contact us. 

The seminar will be of interest to those working across the scholarly information industry, including publishers, librarians, teachers, lecturers, learning technologists, research support staff, other aligned professionals and students.

At the end of the course participants will:

  • Gain a wide overview of the current OER environment across the UK and US
  • Learn about the opportunities and challenges of implementing an OER policy at an organisational and national level
  • Discover benefits and opportunities of engaging with the creation of OER content

The webinar tool we use is Go to Webinar.   To test your system ahead of time visit

The sessions will be recorded and available to all registered delegates after the event, so if you unable to join us live or want to review any presentation this will be available.

UKSG wants to provide the best possible experience for all our delegates, making presentations as accessible and inclusive as possible.  Our intention where possible is to strongly encourage our speakers to provide auto generated closed captioning for both live and recorded events as well as to make sure their slides as easy as possible for all people to read. In addition, we can provide auto generated transcripts post event for each of the recorded sessions.

If you have particular accessibility needs or questions about this seminar, we welcome you to contact us directly at prior to booking your place.


  • Morning session
  • Afternoon session





Welcome and Introduction
Note: All times BST

See Biography

Klara is the Journals and E-Resources Librarian at the Royal College of Art. She has responsibility for managing and developing the RCA’s online collection of journals and databases, as well as maintaining the current and archived print journal collections. She also contributes to the work of a number of committees across the library sector.


Session 1:


Session 2:


Session 3:




Session 4


Session 5


Lunch Break





Welcome back


Lancaster University

See Biography
Tim Leonard is Associate Director: Space, Experience and Innovation at Lancaster University Library. He oversees the development of the Library’s learning spaces, its frontline services team and digital systems.
Tim has worked in academic libraries for over 20 years and has held positions at Lancaster, the University of Bolton, Manchester Metropolitan University and Cardiff University. He is a member of UKSG’s Education and Events Subcommittee and represents Lancaster in a range of groups with RLUK and Academic Libraries North. His professional interests include learning space design, environmental sustainability and innovative technologies in libraries.

University of Sheffield

See Biography
Andy Tattersall is an Information Specialist at the Division of Population Health at The University of Sheffield. Andy writes, teaches and delivers talks and training about research communications (including podcasting, blogging, social media, video/animation, infographics), digital academia, open research, web and information science and altmetrics. In particular, their application for research, teaching, learning, knowledge exchange and collaboration. Andy received a Senate Award from The University of Sheffield for his pioneering work on Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) in 2013 and is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Andy was named in Jisc’s Top 10 Social Media Superstars. He was a member of the Cilip Digital Technology Committee (MmIT) for 10 years (2 as Chair) and is a member of the UKSG Events and Education Committee. Andy co-wrote and edited a book on Altmetrics for Facet Publishing which is aimed at researchers and librarians.


Session 6



Session 7


Session 8




Session 9


Session 10


Panal Session


Closing remarks and wrap up


Really, helpful and informative, thank you!

Previous delegate

The UKSG terms and conditions can be found  here

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