Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
held on Tuesday 16th April 2002 at University of Warwick
1. Chair’s Introduction and Confirmation of Quorum
The Chair welcomed members and confirmed that the meeting was quorate.
2. Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Wyeth Research Laboratories and Intranet Focus.
3. Minutes of the 23rd Annual General Meeting held on 3rd April 2001
The minutes of the previous meeting held at Heriot-Watt University were accepted as a true and accurate record of the proceedings.
4. Matters arising
There were no matters arising.
5. Reports of the Officers
The Officers’ reports had previously been circulated to the members. The officers highlighted certain items as follows:
5.1 Chair
Christine Fyfe referred to her written report, previously circulated to members, and highlighted key points. She confirmed that the 2001 Conference at Heriot-Watt University had been successful with 518 delegates attending. Feedback had indicated that it had been a stimulating and worthwhile event. A full programme of seminars was planned, including the recently re-introduced InForums run by Lyndsay Rees-Jones.
Serials continued to be highly valued in the serials community, with an expanded International Editorial Board and an international focus. Serials-eNews, an electronic newsletter for members introduced during the year, was becoming considered a vital resource for keeping up to date. Finally, Christine Fyfe thanked the administrative staff for their work throughout the year.
5.2 Secretary
Jill Taylor-Roe thanked the members for attending the meeting. She then reminded the meeting that next year’s annual conference would once again take place at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, 7-9 April 2003.
5.3 Treasurer
Keith Courtney referred to his written report, previously circulated. He reported that, although a loss had been predicted in the budget, the Group had again achieved a surplus. This was due to the continuing success of the annual conference and the support of the membership. He pointed out that it was the policy of the Group to hold a sufficient reserve to cover the conference, the single most expensive item of outlay. The cost of the conference was currently in the region of £200,000. It was anticipated that, with the additional celebrations to mark the 25th anniversary of the Group and rising costs generally, the conference would make a small deficit in 2002.
5.3.1 2003 Membership Subscription Rate
Keith Courtney proposed the current rate should rise by £2.00 to £71.50 (+ VAT of £6.88 on 55% of the membership fee) for 2003. This proposal was seconded by Terry Morrow and carried unanimously.
5.3.2 Appointment of Auditors
Keith Courtney proposed that Bowman & Co. Chartered Accountants be re-appointed as the Group’s auditors. This proposal was carried unanimously.
5.4 Education Officer
Paul Harwood expressed thanks to all the members of the Education Subcommittee and to speakers who had presented at UKSG seminars and roadshows. He stressed that new speakers are always welcome and encouraged anyone who is interested in speaking, or knows of someone who is, to get in touch. He reported that the Group has a full programme of roadshows for Library Schools. The Dissertation Award scheme continues for a second year and two awards had been offered in the last week. New events to be included in the programme will be senior staff briefings and a basic technology seminar.
5.5 Marketing Officer
Richard Hodson referred to his written report and emphasised that it had been a busy year for the Marketing Subcommittee. The website had been a main focus of work and content had been improved. Further enhancements were planned. The Subcommittee had also worked alongside the Editors of Serials in promoting the availability of the journal on subscription. Lis-e-journals was now more active and was stimulating discussion throughout the community. Positive feedback had also been received on the newly launched Serials-eNews. A new postcard had been designed as a replacement for the traditional promotional leaflet. The special 25th anniversary logo had been produced. Finally, he thanked all the members of the Marketing Subcommittee for their hard work throughout the year.
6. Appointment of Executive Officers
One nomination only had been received for each of the three Executive Officer posts and the following appointments were now confirmed:
Chair | Christine Fyfe (University of Warwick) |
Secretary | Jill Taylor-Roe (University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne) |
Treasurer | Keith Courtney (Taylor & Francis) |
7. Announcement of Results of the Election for Members of the Committee
The elected members of the Committee for 2002/3 were announced as follows:
Frances Boyle (University of Oxford), Lesley Crawshaw (University of Hertfordshire), Jayne Everard (Staffordshire University), Nancy Gerry (Blackwell Publishing), Paul Harwood (Swets Blackwell), Tony Kidd (University of Glasgow), Ross MacIntyre (MIMAS, University of Manchester), Terry Morrow (Ingenta), Lyndsay Rees-Jones (CILIP).
8. Constitutional Matters
Christine Fyfe reported that it had been necessary to change the Group’s advisor and so constitutional matters had not progressed as much as had been hoped. She then put forward the following resolution:
Resolution A:
That the Group be dissolved as an unincorporated association as soon as possible after the company by the name of UK Serials Association has been registered as a charity and the members of the Executive Committee of the Group have been appointed as directors and enrolled as the first members of that company.
This Resolution was accepted unanimously.
Christine Fyfe then put forward a second resolution:
Resolution B:
That the Group’s remaining assets be transferred to the UK Serials Association charitable company upon dissolution.
This resolution was accepted unanimously.
9. Any Other Business
Christine Fyfe declared the meeting adjourned.