Voting procedures for resolutions at the 2021 AGM of UKSG

Please note that only the Authorised Representative from a UKSG member organisation or an individual UKSG member (or their appointed proxy in each case) is eligible to vote  at the AGM.

Authorised Representatives

 In the case of member organisations all notifications regarding the AGM have been sent to the named Authorised Representative if we have received the appropriate advice.  Otherwise it has been sent to the member contact currently named in our records, although this person will not be eligible to vote if they have not registered to act as the Authorised Representative of their organisation.  We appreciate that the Authorised Representative in some organisations will not necessarily be the person most closely involved with journals and the activities of UKSG.  We would therefore urge the Authorised Representative to liaise with the appropriate person in their organisation, who might be better able to advise on voting for members of the Committee and/or who might be attending the Annual Conference and can therefore be appointed as a proxy. 

Committee Election

Authorised Representatives of member organisations and Individual Members have been contacted by e-mail with instructions about how to register their votes in the UKSG Committee election.

Proxy Form

 If the Authorised Representative of a member organisation or an Individual Member is unable to attend the AGM they can use the Proxy Form to nominate any person of their choice to vote on their behalf at the AGM.  The form should be returned to the Company Secretary by no later than Friday 7th May 2021. 

Bev Acreman, Company Secretary

