Where possible, we have obtained presentation slides from the briefing session speakers at the 30th UKSG Annual Conference. These are posted below, along with links to reviews of the sessions on UKSG’s LiveSerials blog. Slides and reports of the conference’s plenary sessions can be found here.
Group A: Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th April 2007
CURL/BL Storage
Nicola Wright, Imperial College London
- read session review on UKSG’s LiveSerials blog
Project Transfer: an update on the project’s successes and challenges
Nancy Buckley, UKSG Project Transfer
- view slides (PowerPoint show)
UKSG Usage Factors Project
Peter Shepherd, COUNTER
- view slides (PowerPoint show)
- read session review on UKSG’s LiveSerials blog
Google Scholar @ GSK: from discussion to implementation
Jennifer Whittaker, GlaxoSmithKline
- read session review on UKSG’s LiveSerials blog
Federated Access Management: connecting people to resources
Nicole Harris, JISC
- view slides (PowerPoint show)
- read session review on UKSG’s LiveSerials blog
How will subscription agents help you manage your e-resources in a constantly changing information world?
Robert Jacobs, Swets Information Services and Chris Lewis, EBSCO Information Services
- view slides (PowerPoint show)
Group B: Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th April
Financial imperatives for libraries and publishers
Jill Taylor-Roe, Newcastle University and Paul Calow, Blackwell Publishing
- view Jill’s slides (PowerPoint show)
- view Paul’s slides (PowerPoint show)
- read session review on UKSG’s LiveSerials blog – coming soon
Digital preservation – an overview of LOCKSS/CLOCKSS and Portico
Fiona Bennett, Oxford University Press
- view slides (PowerPoint show)
Institutional identifiers and the Journal Supply Chain Efficiency Improvement pilot
Helen Henderson, Ringgold Ltd
- view slides (PowerPoint show)
Building an institutional repository at Loughborough University
Joanna Barwick, Loughborough University
- view slides (PDF)
Text and data mining: the search for unknown knowns
Geoffrey Bilder, CrossRef
- view slides (PowerPoint show)
- read session review on UKSG’s LiveSerials blog
DAI: a digital author identifier linking researchers and authors
Daniel van Spanje, OCLC PICA
- view slides (PowerPoint show)
- read session review on UKSG’s LiveSerials blog
Understanding, implementing and using the COUNTER Code of Practice for Books and Reference Works
Jenny Walker, XRefer
- view slides (PowerPoint show)
Findings and recommendations from the UKSG Link Resolvers and Knowledge Databases project
James Culling, Oxford University Press
- view slides (PowerPoint show)
- read session review on UKSG’s LiveSerials blog
Business Models for e-books
Kate Price, University of Surrey (slides prepared by original speaker David Ball, University of Bournemouth, and posted here with his permission)
- view slides (PowerPoint show)
Accessing research outputs for RAE 2008
Ed Hughes, HEFCE
- view slides (PowerPoint show)
Back to 2007 Annual Conference page.