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Join us for the 2024 UKSG November Conference. This year's event will take place online over two consecutive half days. Wednesday 20th November and Thursday 21st November. The theme of this year's conference is "Cybersecurity and Censorship".


Wednesday, November 20, 2024 - 09:30 GMT
Thursday, November 21, 2024 - 17:15 GMT


United Kingdom

About the Event





Call for Papers

The call for papers has now ended, however please save the date in your diary to attend, more details will be available shortly. 


The theme of this year's conference is "Cybersecurity and Censorship". Over two half-days, we aim to start exploring the multifaceted issues surrounding the protection of students, faculty and scholarly content from cyber threats while safeguarding against censorship in scholarly discourse.

The November Conference brings together voices from across our sector through a programme of presentations, lightning talks, and facilitated panel sessions, with the audience encouraged to participate in Q&A throughout the conference.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Cybersecurity challenges faced by libraries and/or publishers
- Readiness of research data repositories and other systems for cyber attacks
- Strategies for safeguarding the privacy of students, researchers and other participants in the knowledge community
- AI as a security threat and/or opportunity
- Digital preservation and cyber resilience
- The impact of censorship on academic freedom and knowledge dissemination
- Support for academics researching sensitive subjects
- Universities’ responsibilities in upholding academic freedom and freedom of expression
- Our community's role in combating censorship
- Censorship and safeguarding
- Book bans
- International collaborations in an age of increasing legal and regulatory censorship

The UKSG November Conference is an entirely digital event, open to speakers and attendees globally.

The deadline for submission is Friday 31st May, after which our programme committee will convene and review all submissions.   If you need any assistance with any aspect of your submission, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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