2011 UKSG Conference: plenary sessions

Where possible, we have obtained presentation slides from the plenary session speakers at the 34th UKSG Annual Conference. These are posted below, along with links to reviews of the sessions on UKSG’s LiveSerials blog. Slides and reports of the conference’s breakout sessions can be found here. We have also obtained permission from most speakers to publish the video recordings of their talks.

Plenary Session 1: Future communications

William Gibson and the future of libraries
John Naughton, The Open University and Cambridge University Library

  • read reviews of session on UKSG’s LiveSerials blog (here and here)

The future of the book
David “Skip” Prichard, Ingram Content Group Inc.

Plenary Session 2: New approaches to research

Digital research, analog publishing: one scientist’s view
Philip Bourne, University of California, San Diego

The gatekeeper is dead! Long live the gatekeeper! Or: What does filtering mean for scholarly communications in a web-based world?
Cameron Neylon, Science and Technology Facilities Council

The research worklow evolution: the impact of Web 2.0 and emerging social networking tools on research workflow
Bill Russell, Emerald Publishing Group Ltd

Plenary Session 3: Rethinking ‘content’

Open, social and linked: a ménage à trois of content exploitation
Andy Powell, Eduserv

Buying by the bucketful: a comparative study of how e-book bundles are used
Terry Bucknell, University of Liverpool

Opening up bibliographic data
Rufus Pollock, Open Knowledge Foundation

Plenary Session 4: Strategic directions in a constrained world

Brave New World: rebooting UK HE
Sir John O’Reilly, Cranfield University

Three years and counting – the economic crisis is still with us but the muddling through is over
Charles Lowry, Association of Research Libraries

Plenary Session 5: Improving access

The dynamics of improving access to research papers
Mark Ware, Mark Ware Consulting

Barriers to an exclusively electronic journal environment
Laura Cox, Frontline GMS Ltd

Access to scholarly content: gaps and barriers to access (key findings)
Ian Rowlands, CIBER Research Group, University College London

Chaired debate between
Alma Swan, Key Perspectives Ltd
Steven Hall, IOP Publishing

Plenary Session 6: Anticipating and managing change

Collections 2021: the future of the collection is not a collection
Rick Anderson, University of Utah

Unlocking the four doors to sustainable change
Brad Meyer, Collaboration Ltd