UKSG Introduction to Journals and E-Resources Today: Boston Spa

This one-day seminar aims to present a practical introductory overview of all aspects of journals and e-resources management in the morning and incorporates an overview of the technical work undertaken by The British Library in Boston Spa, West Yorkshire in the afternoon, followed by an optional tour of the site….

UKSG E-Resources Technical Update: London

Many of us working directly with e-resources in libraries would like to feel more confident in our understanding of the related technology.  Managing e-resources and making them available to end-users is quite different from dealing with print products, but many of us have moved from one to the other, picking up expertise informally.  As a result we probably all hav…

Free UKSG Webinar: What is Research Data Management and what is the Library’s Role in Supporting it?

Our next webinar is hosted by Andrew Cox, Lecturer, The Information School, University of Sheffield and we are delighted to offer it free of charge.The webinar introduces the issue of RDM, libraries’ roles in supporting RDM and is an opportunity for you to think about how RDM might open up new opportunities for you. It concludes with a quick guide to key resources to find out more, including detail of RDMRose, a JISC funded free to use and reuse set of learning materials for self directed or facilitated CPD on RDM tailored for information professionals….

UKSG Forum: London

Library Discovery TechnologiesVenue: No. 11 Cavendish Square, London W1…

UKSG E-Resources Technical Update: London

Many of us working directly with e-resources in libraries would like to feel more confident in our understanding of the related technology.  Managing e-resources and making them available to end-users is quite different from dealing with print products, but many of us have moved from one to the other, picking up expertise informally.  As a result we probably all have gaps in our knowledge and understanding, and the need to gain a proper balanced overview of the technical environment is crucial if we are to do our jobs effectively….

Free UKSG webinar – Open Access in the Humanities

 This webinar will increase your understanding of the opportunities provided to HSS scholars by Open Access publication and the approaches scholars, academic societies or HE bodies may take to adopt and develop Open Access publishing initiatives. …