This is a fantastic opportunity to listen to expert speakers with no travelling required. This is a free webinar – Please note that advance registration is required. This webinar will be recorded and all registrants will receive a link to the recording after the session. Join us for this webinar that will take place on Thursday 24th October from 11:00am to 12:00 GMT.
Thursday, October 24, 2024 – 11:00 BST
Thursday, October 24, 2024 – 12:00 BST
United Kingdom
About the Event
Is the biggest blocker to open access books actually the economics of it all? Book Processing Charges don’t scale but they’re still the dominant method of funding OA monographs, despite the recent emergence of several alternatives to BPCs: collective funding models like Opening the Future, the Open Book Collective, Direct 2 Open, Path to Open etc.
Through presentations and audience Q&A we’ll pose some provocative questions to explore this theme:
- How can these new models achieve sustainability and get out from the ‘back of the sofa’ of end-of-year leftover funds?
- How can libraries continue to make a strategic case for investing in these models when budgets are being cut?
- How can the sector work together to promote and maximise these alternative models in the world of increasingly tight budgets?
- With demand increasing for monographs to be open this is a timely and urgent discussion with library and publishing OA experts.
You may still register for this event recording here.
Our speakers have kindly agreed to make their slides available. You may download them from here.
Please use the correct attribution if you wish to refer to them.
Please, find here the Q&A document that our speakers have kindly put together.
Pre-webinar reading
Post-webinar reading
In preparation the speakers have also sent through the following optional links, you may wish to review before the session.
- Open Access Monographs: Myths, Truths and Implications in the Wake of UKRI Open Access Policy (Dr Judith Fathallah, LIBER Quarterly)
- The future of humanities research work and OA monographs (Professor Martin Eve, WonkHE)
In addition our speakers have provided the following links, you may wish to review after the session.
- How Can I Persuade My Institution to Support Collective Funding for Open Access Books? (Copim, three part practical blog)
- Copim’s thoughts on the REF decision for OA books and what happens next (Copim blog)
- Trailblazers: exciting new OA initiative in partnership with Liverpool University Press, The University of Liverpool, and The University of Salford (Lancaster University Library news)

Elaine Sykes
Head of Open Research | Lancaster University
Elaine is Head of Open Research at Lancaster University, a post she had held since January 2022. She has responsibility for scholarly communications, research data management and research intelligence.
Her research interests include community based open access publishing, data visualisation and Citizen Science. She is widely active in the library sector including involvement with SCONUL, RLUK and the library Performance Measurement Conference, where she acts as a Director. She is currently a Co-Investigator on a Wellcome Trust funded project exploring how to create a more sustainable, ethical and inclusive research culture.

Tom Grady
Copim Project Co-Lead | Birkbeck, University of London
Work Package Lead – Birkbeck, University of London
Tom is a Work Package Lead on the Copim Open Book Futures project, where he runs the Opening the Future revenue model for open access books. Prior to joining Copim, Tom has worked in libraries, academic and public, and was a founding team member of the UK’s first jointly-run and library-led open access publisher, White Rose University Press. He can be found on X/Twitter (while it still exists) @scholtom but more often on BlueSky
Learning outcomes
- Colleagues will be able to understand and evaluate the emerging open access monograph funding landscape.
- Colleagues will gain an understanding of the advantages and challenges for libraries and publishers around OA for books.
- Colleagues will be equipped to compare open access initiatives and models (Diamond vs green etc), and understand the different approaches available to authors, researchers, libraries and academic publishers.
- Colleagues will gain an understanding of the complexities around reliable funding for OA books amid an HE sector in flux and increasing pressure on budgets.
- Colleagues will be able to identify if some of the initiatives highlighted are a good fit for their own library and institution.
Subject level and previous knowledge required
Introductory and non-intensive, no previous knowledge or experience required.
Attendee Information
To help you prepare for UKSG webinars, you may like to read the Notes for Participants:
UKSG Webinars Notes for Participants 2024
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This is a free webinar and is open to members and non-members of UKSG alike – Please note that advance registration is required.
Unable to attend? Register anyway and we will send you a link to a recording of the webinar after the event. If you have already registered and are subsequently unable to attend, please do not cancel your registration – only active registrations will receive the recording in a follow-up e-mail.
UKSG wants to provide the best possible experience for all our delegates, making presentations as accessible and inclusive as possible. Our intention were possible is to strongly encourage our speakers to provide auto generated closed captioning for both live and recorded events as well as to make sure their slides are as easy as possible for all people to read. In addition we can provide auto generated transcripts post event for each of the recorded sessions.
If you have particular accessibility needs or questions about this webinar, we welcome you to contact Samira Koelle.
The UKSG webinars are great for me – they offer a wide range of topics and are very well prepared. I never experienced any technical difficulties. Due to the austerity measures brought by the recent worldwide events the training budget in my institution was frozen, so the fact that UKSG webinars are free is really a boon too!
The UKSG webinar was fantastic – well-organized, timely, accessible, and with an array of presenters that had insight into the topic
Great to squeeze in so much useful knowledge and information without having to go out to a conference. I could enjoy taking it in with a sandwich at my desk! I felt very empowered afterwards.
Emma Thompson, Glasgow Caledonian University
NB: UKSG reserves the right to alter or vary the programme due to events or circumstances beyond its reasonable control without being obliged to refund monies.
This is a free webinar – Please note that advance registration is required.
Please take a look at our code of conduct
If you have already registered and are subsequently unable to attend, please do not cancel your registration – only active registrations will receive the recording in a follow-up e-mail.