19th June 2013, 2pm: The Mobile Advantage: Developing mobile services and resources for libraries and content providers, hosted by Ben Showers (Jisc) and Jo Alcock (Birmingham City University)
Session aim
To equip attendees with an understanding of the current mobile landscape and to help them consider the impact this has on libraries, publishers and users in providing access to resources and services.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this webinar, attendees will be able to:
- Understand the current mobile landscape including mobile devices, technologies, and latest developments
- Share example case studies of how mobile technologies have been used to support delivery of library services and library content
- Plan next steps forward for investigating use of mobile technologies in their own work environment
Session overview
The webinar will provide an overview of current developments in mobile services and resources for libraries and content providers. Our hosts will set the scene by sharing some facts and figures about the current mobile landscape and considering this in a library environment.
The main body of the webinar will focus on sharing examples, advice, and case studies in the following thematic areas:
- Developing Mobile Library Services
- Access to Content
- The Mobile Advantage
Ben and Jo will conclude with a reality check to apply the ideas into a real world context and a call to action for those considering developing mobile services or mobile content.
The webinar will be accompanied by a blog post on the Jisc mobile technologies in libraries blog which will include relevant resources and practical advice.
UKSG is pleased to make this webinar freely available. Click here to play or download the recording.