HELibTech – Library Technology Product Directory: new features added

17 May 2024

2023 Innovation Award Winners

As part of the UKSG Innovation Awards funded project to improve the Higher Education Library Technology (HELibTech) site, a new feature has recently been added to the site to help library staff working with technology better understand the current market. The Library Technology Product Directory compiles details of software and hardware currently available across the spectrum of library technology and can be used to identify relevant products and vendors. The product directory is live now but is under continued development with the aim of presenting in a more user friendly format later this year.

The directory can be accessed here  where you can also submit additions. More new content and features will continue to be added to HELibTech in the coming months. If you have any feedback about the product directory or any other aspect of HELibTech please share with Paul Verlander (HeLibTech – Community Editor) at paulverlander@gmail.com