UKSG 2021 Annual Conference – Technical Requirement for the Underline Platform

UKSG_Conference Logo 2021











The conference and exhibition this year will be held on the Underline platform, below are some details on technical requirements to avoid any issues. 

In general, Underline works best with latest version of Google Chrome.    However, currently supported desktop browser versions in which Underline should behave as expected are: 

Microsoft Edge 80.0.361 and newer (latest is 86.0) 

Google Chrome 80.0.3987 and newer (latest 86.0.4240.75 

Mozilla Firefox 76.0 and newer (latest 81.0.2) 

Safari versions 12 and newer (14.0) 

Users with anything older than that might run into issues, such as: no video on Main stage livestreams, oddly looking or misplaced buttons, no audio or video settings for live Q&A sessions (and therefore, no audio or video coming from that user while in the session), no toggle buttons for turning camera/microphone on or off, no leave session button, inability to screenshare.. 

Users NEED to avoid using Internet Explorer.