UKSG November Conference 2022 – diversity, equity and inclusion through multiple lenses


The theme of this year’s conference is: diversity, equity, and inclusion through multiple lenses. 

Inclusion is a core part of the UKSG strategy, but we know that diversity is more than protected characteristics, and that the barriers to inclusion vary depending on one’s perspective. Our goal was therefore to bring together speakers from across the UKSG community, from early careerists speaking about innovative new projects to more familiar faces bringing experience to bear on knotty challenges. 

Split over two half days this event brings together voices from across our sector through a programme of presentations, Q&A and facilitated panel sessions.



The conference welcomes members and non-members of UKSG alike – Please note that advance registration is required. 

Register here

Fees (both days):

  • Member – £ 45.00 + £ 9.00 VAT
  • Non-Member – £ 55.00 + £ 11.00 VAT

(A list of members can be found here)

If you are unable to attend –   We will send you a link to a recording after the event. 


Pre-event checks

To test your system ahead of time visit



Follow the conference on Twitter @UKSG and the hashtag #UKSGNov or on Linkedin 



UKSG wants to provide the best possible experience for all our delegates, making presentations as accessible and inclusive as possible.

Our intention where possible is to strongly encourage our speakers to provide auto generated closed captioning for both live and recorded events as well as to make sure their slides as easy as possible for all people to read. In addition, we can provide auto generated transcripts post event for each of the recorded sessions.

If you have particular accessibility needs or questions about this event, we welcome you to contact



Wednesday 16th November – Day 1 

Note: Times stated in GMT

09:30 Introduction & Welcome  Tasha Mellins-Cohen
09:45 Ableism and exclusion 

Josie Caplehorne, University of Kent


Jennifer Leigh, University of Kent


Inclusion: analysis and action 

AI and diversity: a complex relationship – Nancy Roberts, Umbrella Analytics.

This presentation will look at how AI can be used to support and facilitate diversity efforts, both through improved measurement and predictive modelling, and through the use of Natural Language Processing to create more inclusive textual content. It will also address some of the (by now well publicized) risks of dataset bias, and give practical advice on how to avoid these risks and use AI for driving positive change

Nancy Roberts, Umbrella Analytics


Martin Whiteford, Emerald Publishing

11:20 Break  

Early career inclusion 

Attracting diverse talent: The role of Graduate Traineeships in the EDI strategies of academic libraries – Tom Morley, Lancaster University, Elaine Sykes, Lancaster University, Nuala McLaren, Goldsmiths, University of London

This presentation will explore the approaches of and challenges faced by two academic libraries when designing graduate trainee roles as part of a continuous effort to provide an inclusive library environment. Nuala McClaren will discuss how Goldsmiths University Library created their ‘BAME Graduate Trainee’ role.

Elaine Sykes and Tom Morley will discuss how Lancaster University Library have designed a Graduate Trainee position to change their staff profile and contribute to a more diverse recruitment pipeline within the sector.

The session will also discuss the wider EDI strategies within each institution.

Launching the EARLL Development Community (EDC): bringing established professionals and early career librarians together, Dani Stubbs, Imperial College London, Hannah Boroudjou, London School of Economics

The EARLL Development Community (EDC) was launched in summer 2022. Designed as a new initiative to bring established professionals and early career librarians into closer collaboration, the EDC aims to recruit professional mentors to volunteer in three key areas; practice interviews, job shadowing and future speakers. In this presentation we’ll talk about why we launched the EDC, give you an update on how it’s going and discuss why the EDC will be so important for the wider information community.

Danielle Stubbs, Imperial College London


Hannah Boroudjou, London School of Economics and Political Science


Tom Morley, Lancaster University


Elaine Sykes, Lancaster University

Nuala McLaren, Goldsmiths, University of London


Global access panel

Facilitated by Rob Johnson, Research Consulting


Judith Barnsby, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)


Toby Green, Coherent Digital


Popoola Biliamin Oladele, University of Medical Sciences

13:15 Summary and Close of day 1   


Thursday 17th November – Day 2 

13:30 Introduction and welcome Joanna Ball, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)

Introducing open early in the student journey

The Essex Student Journal: Introducing students to open access – Hannah Crago, University of Essex

The Essex Student Journal is a diamond open access journal run by students, for students. The journal is used as an educational tool for Essex students and postgraduate researchers around the open access publishing process, and enables us to advocate for diamond open access across the University. The aim of this session is to demonstrate how for relatively small investments, library teams can make a big impact with their students and postgraduate researchers when it comes to open access publishing.

Building MultiStories: Embedding the library services for inclusive teaching and learning in a diverse curriculum – Lindsay Dowling, TUI Dublin

Hannah Crago, University of Essex


Lindsay Dowling, TU Dublin


Diversifying collections 

Addressing the colonial legacies in the University of Liverpool’s heritage collections – Jenny Higham, Robyn Orr, University of Liverpool

Our talk will outline the current project work on the heritage collections by Libraries, Museums & Galleries staff, and how this is related to, and informed by, academic, institutional and external partnerships.

Keith Nockels, University of Leicester


Jenny Higham, University of Liverpool

Robyn Orr, University of Liverpool

15:20 Break  

Contribution from non-academic research panel

Facilitated by Tasha Mellins-Cohen

Robyn Price, Imperial College London


Liz Allen, F1000


Thomas Kelly, Queen Mary, University of London


Who’s story is it anyway? Equalities, diversity and inclusion in the library sector.

Equalities, diversity and inclusion is a much discussed topic across the cultural sector, but how much progress have we made and how do we know?

Amina Shah, National Library of Scotland
17:00 Summary and close  


Cancellation notes:

The closing date for cancellations is Friday 21st October, after which date cancellations will not be eligible for a refund.  Cancellation should be sent into writing to  All registrants will be sent a link to a recording after the event.

The UKSG code of conduct can be found here and UKSG terms and conditions here