UKSG Annual Conference 2021

4 August 2020

Clearly much has changed in the world since we sent out the call for papers last year, imagining a great meeting in Brighton in March.  We are looking ahead now, unsure of what the world will look like in April 2021, but we are determined to bring you our Annual Conference, in whatever format it will take!

The conference attracts delegates from across the global knowledge community, including librarians, publishers and intermediaries.  It provides a much-respected forum for discussing trends, showcasing initiatives, finding out about current practice across sectors, and connecting with other professionals.

Suggestions are invited for topics for plenary sessions, breakout sessions and lightning talks. In all cases, we welcome suggestions of speakers alongside topic ideas. You can see some of this year’s presentations online at: or see the whole programme here to get an idea of topics/level etc.

Please submit your suggestions via the UKSG website:

To have a truly engaging conference, UKSG believes we need to hear from people with a variety of perspectives and backgrounds – and we particularly want to encourage and include those from under-represented communities to speak and take part. As well as supporting all plenary speakers and lead breakout speakers with a free place and expenses (if the conference goes ahead as an in-person event), we are looking at expanding our list of sponsored places to support early career and target those from under-represented communities to attend.  If you have something interesting to say but do not feel you are ready to present a plenary or break-out session we can provide mentors to help you prepare, or please consider presenting a shorter lightning talk.

The deadline for suggestions is Friday 18th September 2020. We will aim to contact you by the end of September to let you know if your idea has been taken up.  If you need any assistance with any aspect of your submission, please do not hesitate to contact me at bev [a] . You can also follow us on twitter (@UKSG) for updates.

Details about an exhibition and sponsorship opportunities will follow – if you would like to be added to that mailing list, let me know.
