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The rise of open access and associated compliance requirements has created an increasing role for librarians in supporting pre-publication workflows for journal articles and other research outputs. It has also led research institutions to develop a widening range of services and systems to support publication and manage compliance. This online event is hosted over 2 half days. Registration open.


Tuesday, November 1, 2022 - 10:00 GMT
Thursday, November 3, 2022 - 13:15 GMT


United Kingdom

About the Event


Registration is now open please register here. 

Note: a small amount of pre-reading is suggested in advance of the seminar, a link will be sent to you on registration. 

Course Summary

The rise of open access and associated compliance requirements has created an increasing role for librarians in supporting pre-publication workflows for journal articles and other research outputs. It has also led research institutions to develop a widening range of services and systems to support publication and manage compliance.   
This course will give a basic introduction to this rapidly evolving area. In particular it will:

  • provide an overview of the research and funding landscape 
  • outline the key stages in the publication lifecycle of a journal article from submission to publication, noting the key differences between Green and Gold publication
  • summarise the typical requirements for compliance with government policies and funder mandates, and relate these to the publication routes for Green and Gold publication
  • the complementary roles of publishers, libraries and intermediaries in supporting these stages, and the typical activities that they each perform during the life-cycle
  • explain the part that preprints play in scholarly communication
  • look at selected services, systems and standards designed to support and manage the process
  • explain how new policies (eg Plan S) are affecting compliance requirements 

Why you should attend

This course will be valuable to those working in research management, libraries, publishers and intermediaries. It will be useful for new entrants at practitioner level wishing to gain an overview of processes and players, but also for senior managers needing a summary of a rapidly growing area. Whilst some elements may focus more specifically on the policy and compliance context in the UK, it will nevertheless also be of relevance to international members. 

Learning objectives

  • Understand the key stages in publication of a journal article in relation to open access and compliance  
  • Be able to summarise typical compliance criteria, and relate these to the publication lifecycle   
  • Understand the basic roles of funders, research managers, libraries, publishers, intermediaries at each stage  
  • Be aware of the key services, systems and metadata standards which support workflows  

Course Level and previous knowledge required

This course offers an introductory, entry-level overview and no previous knowledge is required, although some awareness of the different types of scholarly journals and open access models (such as Green and Gold) may be useful.   
Please note that this is not a detailed practical or technical course and it will not go into detail about how specific services or systems function, or how to optimise workflows. Instead the course gives a high-level, introductory overview of the essential elements of processes and systems, providing the conceptual foundation for other more specific training in the use of particular services and systems.   

Supporting Information package

This will be sent to registered delegates in advance of the seminar. The course organisers have compiled an optional Open Access pre-Course Reading List for attendees - all items will be openly available.  In addition, we encourage delegates to listen to the recording of the UKSG webinar on Working with Open Access (7 October 2019) which introduces the basic concepts of Open Access and how they work together to build wider access to knowledge.  

Attendee Information

To test your system ahead of time visit


UKSG wants to provide the best possible experience for all our delegates, making presentations as accessible and inclusive as possible.  Our intention were possible is to strongly encourage our speakers to provide auto generated closed captioning for both live and recorded events as well as to make sure their slides as easy as possible for all people to read. In addition we can provide auto generated transcripts post event for each of the recorded sessions.

If you have particular accessibility needs or questions about this seminar/webinar, we welcome you to contact


The sessions will be recorded and available to all registered delegates after the event, so if you unable to join us live or want to review any presentation this will be available. 


Programme and Speakers


Introduction & Welcome

Jonathan Cook
University of Leeds

Jon currently works within a Project Management role for the University of Leeds. He was previously involved in supporting Open Access programmes at the Universities of York and Huddersfield and in a collections development at the British Library.


Overview of Open Access

Victoria Eva

As VP of Global Policy at Elsevier, Victoria is responsible for managing Elsevier’s policies and strategy in areas related to open access, as well as coordinating on global policy and legislative issues pertaining to Open Science more broadly. Victoria has been with Elsevier for two years and has worked for over 10 years in the policy space, including with educational publisher Pearson and UK trade body The Publishers Association.


Open Access – a publisher’s perspective

Taylor & Francis’ Open Research journey began 20 years, with the introduction of their first open access policy in 2003. This talk will introduce key open access terms and concepts, will explore how publishers’ support academics in publishing open access, and will describe both the publishing lifecycle and how this may differ in open access. Finally, it will touch on how the role of the publisher has evolved over the years, in line with the open access and open research movement more broadly.

Emma Greenwood
Taylor & Francis

Emma Greenwood began her publishing career in 2000, after completing a PhD in cell biology at Cancer Research UK. Initially an editor for Nature Reviews Cancer, she moved into a publishing role in 2004, managing a number of academic journals and launching open access journals. Emma has worked exclusively in open access since moving to Taylor & Francis in 2014, and is now Director of OA. Emma and her team provide expertise and an overarching strategy and structure to grow and develop Taylor & Francis’ open access portfolio, working alongside many different departments in this role.




Plan S: an overview

This presentation will summarise the ambition of Plan S and outline its key principles, before giving an overview of some of the services - the Journal Checker Tool and the Journal Comparison Service - it has developed.

The presentations will also discuss Rights Retention and how this is being embedded in institutional policies.

The presentation will last less than 20 minutes, thus allowing plenty of time for questions and discussion.

Please submit any questions to Robert pre-event here

Robert Kiley
cOAlition S

Robert Kiley is Head of Strategy at cOAlition S, working to accelerate the transition to full and immediate Open Access.

Prior to this he was Head of Open Research at the Wellcome Trust where he was responsible for developing and implementing their open research strategy.

Over the past decade Robert has played a leading role in the implementation of Wellcome's open access policy and overseeing the development of the Europe PubMed Central repository. He also led the development - in partnership with Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the Max Planck Society - of eLife, the open-access research journal, launched in 2012. More recently he championed the work to create a new open publishing platform for Wellcome researchers – Wellcome Open Research.

Robert is a qualified librarian, a Board member of Open Research Central and served for 6 years on the ORCID Board of Directors.


Open Access from a Funder’s Perspective

Sara Ball
Tahia Zaidi


Wrap and Close

Programme and Speakers


Introduction and welcome to day 2


Open Access Policies and Transformative Agreements

Colleen Campbell
Max Planck Digital Library

Colleen Campbell is strategic advisor for external engagement at the Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL). There she coordinates two open access initiatives: the Open Access 2020 Initiative, a global alliance of research organizations and their libraries that are repurposing their investments in subscriptions to support open access publishing, and the ESAC Initiative, a library community of practice building capacities around transformative and open access publishing agreements. She is a member of the LIBER Open Access Working Group and serves on the Managing Board of EIFL, a not-for-profit organization that works with libraries to enable access to knowledge in developing and transition economy countries.
@oa2020ini; @ColleenCampbe11


Open Access from an Academic’s Perspective

Nick Sheppard
University of Leeds

Nick Sheppard has worked in scholarly communications for over 10 years, currently as Open Research Advisor at the University of Leeds. Previously he was Research Services Advisor at Leeds Beckett University. Nick is interested in effective dissemination of research through sustainable models of open access, including underlying data, and potential synergies with open education and Open Educational Resources (OER), particularly underlying technology, software and interoperability of systems.

Alastair Baker
University of Leeds

A molecule maker, from small scale to pilot-plant production. Developed processes in natural products (garlic), catalysis (biobutanol), reactor automation, solvent extraction (uranium from used nuclear fuel) and regenerating cotton fibres (cellulose).
Lab-based experimentalist at the University of Leeds, working with SME's, UK Catalysis Hub Consortia, UK National Nuclear Laboratory, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and The Clothworkers' Company.
Awarded a Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) for lecturing, teaching and training in Higher Education across the UK, validating his track record of teaching in a University environment, with an enthusiastic approach to research-led and teaching core chemical engineering and chemistry topics.




Open Access from a Librarian’s Perspective

Nicola Barnett
University of Leeds

Nicola Barnett has worked for Leeds University Library in a variety of roles for over 20 years. She has worked in open access since 2015 and was involved in the Library side of the REF2014 and REF2021 submissions. Nicola is based in the Research Support Team in the Library and looks after the University publications database (Symplectic Elements) and the institutional repository (White Rose Research Online).

Lorraine Chatwin
University of Leeds

Lorraine has worked in open access at Leeds University since 2018 and is currently the Repositories Co-ordinator. In this role she manages the work of the repository team, who administer authors' deposits to the Institutional Repository, White Rose Research Online. Lorraine is based in the Research Support Team at Leeds. Prior to working in open access, Lorraine has over 10 years' experience working in public libraries - both in customer service roles and in acquistions. Lorraine gained her library qualification in 2015 and is a member of CILIP

Jonathan Horne
University of Leeds

Jonathan has worked at the University of Leeds since 2009 and began working in open access when the University's open access project was launched in 2013 alongside UKRI's open access policy. He now works as the APC Coordinator, managing the open access block grants from UKRI, Wellcome Trust, British Heart Foundation and Cancer Research UK, with responsibility for compliance and finance reporting. Jonathan is interested in sustainable open access and how the UK HE sector transitions away from a largely funder and money led OA model. 


An introduction to preprints

This session will cover all you need to know to understand the evolving preprints landscape, including definitions, benefits, challenges and more. We will explore the ways people discover preprints as well as how these can be used to support research and policy 'in real time'.

Andrea Chiarelli
Research Consulting

My name is Andrea Chiarelli, and I am an experienced senior consultant specialising in open research practices, scholarly communication, academic publishing and university management. I have worked with a wide range of research stakeholders, including universities, membership organisations, funders, publishers and vendors. I am a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute (CMgr FCMI) and hold an MBA from Nottingham Business School. Other qualifications include a PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of Nottingham (UK) and an MSc in Nuclear and Energy Engineering from Politecnico di Torino (Italy).


Summary & Close


NB:  UKSG reserves the right to alter or vary the programme due to events or circumstances beyond its reasonable control without being obliged to refund monies.

Thursday, October 13, 2022 - 13:00 BST - Monday, October 31, 2022 - 12:30 GMT

£ 60.00 + £ 12.00 VAT

UKSG Members

£ 72.00 + £ 14.40 VAT

UKSG Non-Members


General queries - 

Please take a look at our code of conduct 


The closing date for cancellations is Monday 24th October, after which date cancellations will not be eligible for a refund.  Cancellation should be sent into writing to  All registrants will be sent a link to a recording after the event for their personal viewing. 

The UKSG terms and conditions can be found here

NB: UKSG reserves the right to alter or vary the programme due to events or circumstances beyond its reasonable control without being obliged to refund monies.

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