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Workshop purposeA highly practical one-day workshop delivering licensing and negotiation knowledge and skills to academic librarians and consortia members involved in the acquisition of electronic resources....


Wednesday, June 25, 2014 - 10:00 BST
Wednesday, June 25, 2014 - 17:00 BST

About the Event

Workshop purpose

A highly practical one-day workshop delivering licensing and negotiation knowledge and skills to academic librarians and consortia members involved in the acquisition of electronic resources.

Workshop summary

Electronic publishing continues to bring major changes to the provision of teaching and research information, hugely impacting the role and responsibilities of information professionals.  One critical difference is the shift from ownership to access of electronic products, particularly in relation to journals, a shift which has given rise to the licence as a feature of most acquisition agreements.  Publisher licences present libraries – and their patrons – with useful rights but also with significant restrictions and responsibilities, which means that a thorough understanding of licensing language, and its effect, has become critical for librarians.  

At the same time, the concept of the ‘list price’ for digital journals has become meaningless as institutions and consortia select the content they need and publishers and their representatives tailor deals to meet these requirements.  When making these deals, publishers typically seek to maximise their income whilst libraries/consortia typically strive to control their costs, a dynamic which means negotiation has become a fundamental part of the acquisition process.

The digital arena presents many challenges but also considerable opportunities.  The key for information professionals is to gain a good understanding of these new dynamics and to develop the skills and confidence which will enable them to gain the best from every licence and each negotiation.  It follows that libraries/consortia whose staff have strong licensing and negotiation skills will have considerable advantage in this challenging environment.

Who should attend

The workshop has been written for serials and acquisitions librarians involved in e-resource purchasing primarily in academic institutions.  It focuses mainly on journals and other serially published content (although some of the learning is transferable to e-book and database acquisition); librarians in academic institutions who are being trained to undertake purchasing roles will also benefit from attending.  Although the workshop has been devised for academic librarians,
some of the learning is relevant to librarians working in corporations.

Learning objectives

At the end of the workshop participants will:
•    understand the key issues surrounding publisher licensing and negotiations, and how these impact libraries
•    be familiar with the most important and/or potentially negotiable clauses in publisher licences
•    be familiar with the principles of successful negotiation in the context of licensing online information resources (and learn the ten habits of highly effective negotiators).

Principal learning outcome

Participants will gain a good understanding of the key issues surrounding publisher licensing and negotiations, together with practical skills and knowledge which they will be able to use immediately in their professional lives.

Additional learning outcomes

At the end of the workshop participants will:
•    understand key issues surrounding e-journal licensing and negotiations, and how these impact libraries and their patrons
•    enhance their understanding of licensing language and its effect
•    be familiar with the most important and/or potentially negotiable clauses in publisher licences
•    be able to compare a ‘model’ licence with a publisher licence and understand the impact of variations
•    enhance their resilience to support performance, well-being and outcomes during negotiations
•    understand key principles of successful negotiation of licensing online information resources
•    have the opportunity to share and resolve licensing and negotiation problems they have encountered in their work.


UKSG members:  £200.00 + £40.00 VAT [20%] (total £240.00)
Non-members:  £250.00 + £50.00 VAT [20%] (total £300.00)

The fee includes refreshments and lunch.


The Bar Convent
17 Blossom Street
YO24 1AQ

Tel.:  01904 643238

Feedback from previous Licensing and Negotiation Skills workshops

100% of delegates on the 2013 workshop would recommend it to a colleague.

“Really enjoyed the participatory nature of the course – without anyone feeling under any pressure to contribute.”

“This was possibly the best course I have ever been on – enjoyable, informative, interactive, comfortable, and in general a very pleasant day.  I left on a high.”

“I particularly liked the experiential nature of the day and the style of the presenters, a really enjoyable and informative day.”

“Particularly impressed by recommended reading material being evaluated in the handouts.  The pace and duration of the sessions were flexible according to what ideas came out of the discussions but it was still well managed so that it didn't go completely off track.”

“Since completing this course I have felt much more confident in negotiating with publishers, and have already achieved a reduction in price for a regular subscription which I was very pleased with.”

Workshop content

Licensing Knowledge
•    Introduction: what is a licence and why do we have them?
•    The licence as a grant of rights: issues of access vs. ownership
•    The licence as a contract: the language and effect of publisher licences
•    Examination of a ‘model’ licence; getting behind the legal speak; key clauses; which clauses are potentially negotiable and which not
•    Discussion of delegates’ own experiences
•    Summary: top licensing tips.  

Negotiation Skills
•    Brief background: negotiating in the digital era
•    What the publisher wants; getting what the library wants; issues of affordability, value for money and sustainability
•    Developing our resilience to support our performance and well-being and improve negotiation outcomes
•    The ten habits of highly effective negotiators
•    Principles into practice: the ten habits as negotiation tactics
•    Summary: the dos and don’ts of negotiation.

Workshop format

The workshop is lively and engaging and will include the following elements:
•    Presentations providing key knowledge and information
•    Immersive learning in the form of a quiz, group coaching, group exercises, and discussion and sharing of ideas
•    Sessions which encourage discussion of delegates’ experiences and concerns
•    Role-play by workshop facilitators to illustrate key points
•    Participants will also be given a comprehensive coursepack and handouts designed to support them in their workplace.


Full workshop schedule
09.00    Registration and coffee
09.30    Session 1: Workshop Introduction and Overview
10.15    Session 2: E-Resource Licensing in Detail
11.15    Break
11.30    Session 3: Seven Habits of E-Resource Licensing
12.30    Lunch
13.15    Session 4: Cultivating Resilience
14.15    Session 5: Ten Habits of E-Resource Negotiations
15.15    Break
15.30    Session 6: Principles into Practice: using the habits to determine next moves in publisher negotiations
16.45    Closing comments and wrap-up (by 17.00)


Sarah Durrant, Red Sage Consulting
Tracy Gardner, Tracy Gardner Marketing

Between them the workshop facilitators have almost forty years’ experience of working with publishers, libraries and a wide range of intermediaries in the scholarly information industry, much of this in the area of journals publishing, licensing and negotiation.

How to book

Booking for this course has now closed.  For further information please contact Karen Sadler by email or by phone +44(0)1865 310834

Venue location details will be sent with confirmation of booking.


By Wednesday 18 June 2014 - full refund
From Thursday 19 June 2014 - no refund

NB:  UKSG reserves the right to alter or vary the programme due to events or circumstances beyond its reasonable control without being obliged to refund monies.


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