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A one-day event exploring the increasing role for librarians in supporting pre-publication workflows for journal articles and other research outputs.


Tuesday, October 30, 2018 - 10:00 GMT
Tuesday, October 30, 2018 - 16:00 GMT


The King's Fund (Edwards Room)
No. 11 Cavendish Square
London, W1G 0AN
United Kingdom

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About the Event

Previously an area primarily of concern to publishers and intermediaries, the rise of open access and associated ‘compliance’ requirements has resulted in an increasing role for librarians in supporting pre-publication workflows for journal articles and other research outputs. It has also led to the development of a widening range of services, systems and standards to support publication and manage compliance.

Course summary

This new course will give a basic introduction to this rapidly evolving area. In particular it will:

  • outline the key stages in the publication lifecycle of a journal article from submission to publication, noting the key differences between Green and Gold publication
  • summarise the typical requirements for compliance with government policies and funder mandates, and relate these to the publication routes for Green and Gold publication
  • examine the complementary roles of publishers, libraries and intermediaries in supporting these stages, and the typical activities that they each perform during the lifecycle
  • look at the emerging range of services, systems and standards designed to support and manage the process.

Why you should attend

This course will be valuable to those working in libraries, publishers and intermediaries. It will be useful for new entrants at practitioner level wishing to gain an overview of processes and players, but also for senior managers needing a summary of a rapidly growing area. Whilst some elements may focus more specifically on the policy and compliance context in the UK, it will nevertheless also be of relevance to international members.

Course level and previous knowledge required

This course offers an introductory, entry-level overview and no previous knowledge is required, although some awareness of the different types of scholarly journals and open access models (such as Green and Gold) may be useful.

Please note that this is not a detailed practical or technical course and it will not go into detail about how specific services or systems function, or how to optimise workflows. Instead the course gives a high-level, introductory overview of the essential elements of processes and systems, providing the conceptual foundation for other more specific training in the use of particular services and systems.

Learning objectives

  • Understand the key stages in publication of a journal article in relation to open access and compliance
  • Be able to summarise typical compliance criteria, and relate these to the publication lifecycle
  • Understand the basic roles of publishers, libraries and intermediaries at each stage
  • Be aware of the range of services and systems which support workflows, such as CRIS systems, Jisc open access services and publisher dashboards
  • Gain a broad awareness of the key metadata standards, such as ORCID, RIOXX and CASRAI, and their role in supporting workflows.


Programme and Speakers


Registration & Refreshments


Welcome and introduction

Anna Grigson

ANNA GRIGSON has over 25years’ experience of working in the academic library sector, and is currently Head of Content and Discovery at LSE. With a background in acquisitions and library systems management she has liaised with intermediaries, publishers and technology suppliers throughout her career, and has direct experience of managing services in an environment of rapid change in the scholarly publishing sector. She has a strong interest in supporting professional development and is currently UKSG Education Officer, supporting the development of UKSG’s programme of one-day seminars.


An overview of the publication lifecycle from the library and research managers’ perspective

Lucinda May
The University of Manchester

Lucinda May is the Research Services Manager at The University of Manchester Library. Having taken a leading role in developing Manchester's Open Access service since 2014, Lucy now oversees delivery of the Library’s core support services to researchers throughout the research lifecycle, seeking to embed and advocate for the principles of open research at every opportunity, from data management planning to the publication, dissemination and analysis of research outputs. 


An overview of the publication lifecycle from the publisher perspective

"Getting workflow right is a vital component to the success of Open Access publishing initiatives. Librarians are now involved to a greater extent than ever before in the minutiae of the author journey and publication lifecycle. We’ll be sharing an insight into author journeys highlighting critical moments for Open Access and compliance. As our Open Access workflows and systems are under active development and continual improvement we’ll be sharing a snap-shot of where we are and future plans."

Fiona Counsell
Taylor & Francis



Dr Fiona Counsell is Head of Open Access Operations & Policy at Taylor & Francis. Fiona has been with T&F for nearly 10 years managing journals and latterly contributing to the growth of OA, including overseeing the conversion of journals to Fully Open Access and the development of workflows to manage the evolving global landscape in OA. As a side note [if permitted], in her ‘spare time’ Fiona leads T&F’s employee-run Women in Publishing committee and is passionate about Diversity and Inclusivity within scholarly comms. She’d love to hear from anyone working on similar projects during lunch!


Fiona is joined by her colleague Amy Drew who joined T&Fs OA Operations & Policy team 2 years ago. Among other responsibilities, Amy works closely with T&F’s technology team on the development of our systems and processes to deliver scalable Open Access workflows. Amy holds a Masters in Publishing from the University of Derby and has a background in biological sciences at Imperial College.


oct 18

Amy Drew
Taylor & Francis


An overview of key Jisc services and systems which support the publication lifecycle.

"Open access can be a confusing area – it is fast-moving and involves complex policies, copyright and a lot of jargon! There are many parties involved in making research outputs open access –  researchers themselves, institutional research and repository managers, librarians and of course, publishers. There are different routes to open access and many different processes and systems to understand. Often those involved in the different steps of the process have different priorities and language and may not be fully aware of the roles that others play.

I will be giving an overview of some of services Jisc provides and initiatives we are involved in to support OA implementation. I’ll be describing the problems institutions face and how our services can help. I’ll be placing this within the wider context given by Lucy and Fiona from the librarian and publisher perspectives."

Helen Blanchett

My role at JISC is to provide advice, training and consultancy in the area of scholarly communications, with a particular focus on open access.  After qualifying and working as a librarian in my early career, I worked for Jisc Netskills for 13 years providing training and working on a diverse range of projects across various sectors. I returned to my roots in 2011, working as a librarian in the liaison team at Newcastle University. I have a keen interest in all aspects of information and digital literacy, and in supporting staff and students in their development. 


oct 18




Breakout session.

Working in groups of 5-6, delegates will be given examples of ‘real world’ publication scenarios, and will have the opportunity to discuss the complexities of managing compliance, drawing on the information in the morning’s presentations.


Customer Stories: Using services supporting research, publication and dissemination

"Research is communicated across the web in a myriad of ways and on thousands of platforms. It can be hard to track what is being said, by who, if they are lying, and what is the impact - if any. We can do that now thanks to persistent identifiers and altmetric tools. This is especially important in the age of Fake News and social media.

The purpose of my talk will be to highlight how important it is for academics to ensure their research is open access and subsequent coverage contains trackable IDs such as DOIs. By doing this it makes it harder for the media to mis-report them, or at least offers interested parties the ability to link back to the research for fact checking. Whilst tools like and ImpactStory offer the ability for academics, publishers and funders to track the research and react accordingly to any coverage - the good, bad and the ugly."

Andy Tattersall
The University of Sheffield




Preprints and their place in the publication ecosystem

"Preprints have been a norm in physics for decades, and they are gaining popularity in biology as a rapid way to share research. Unlike traditional articles, preprints offer a dynamic way to communicate latest science and get valuable community feedback."

Johanna McEntyre
European Bioinformatics Institute

Jo has been Team Leader for Literature Services at EMBL-EBI since 2009. She is the PI for Europe PMC - the database of abstracts and full-text articles for the life sciences. Prior to joining EMBL-EBI, Jo was a staff scientist at the NCBI, National Library of Medicine, NIH, USA, and was the Editor at Trends in Biochemical Sciences (TiBS), Elsevier. Jo is active in the Force 11 Data Citation Implementation Group, and is interested in text mining as a means to improve the integration of literature with public data resources. She holds a PhD in plant biology from Manchester Metropolitan University.

oct 18


Panel discussion on challenges and opportunities in managing the publication lifecycle and compliance




£ 185.00 + £ 37.00 VAT


£ 235.00 + £ 47.00 VAT



Registration has now closed.

For further information on this event please e-mail Bev Acreman.


By Friday 19 October 2018 - Full refund
From Saturday 20 October 2018 - No refund

NB: UKSG reserves the right to alter or vary the programme due to events or circumstances beyond its reasonable control without being obliged to refund monies.

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