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UKSG has often been at the heart of collaborative research initiatives which have developed solutions to industry-wide issues and promoted standards for best practice.

UKSG aims to:

  • stimulate research and collaborative initiatives
  • encourage innovation
  • promote standards for best practice
  • instigate projects to research or develop new solutions

In particular, the research undertaken should facilitate an efficient information chain and a better information experience. In many cases, the work initiated by UKSG is developed and implemented by other industry bodies.

Activities in 2023

Activities in 2019

The new Research and Innovation sub-group is developing a series of initiatives for the scholarly communications sector, beginning in 2019. Initial activity will focus on three key areas:


Innovation competition/award

Pile of grey question marks with a red question mark on top


Delighted to announce our 2019 Innovation Award winners - details can be found here


White paper series

Woman reading from a laptop and looking surprised

We are currently reviewing the format of the white paper series, so please do check back for updates.


Sponsored conference place

Seated delegates in rows of red chairs

The winner is Amy Stubbing from the University of Westminster who wins a funded place to ALA Annual in Washington DC!  Hear from Amy herself about what the award means, and what she plans to do to at ALA this year.

Follow the hashtag #UKSGatALA

  • Video diary entry #1 is here! 19 June 2019
  • Video diary entry #2 is here and here! 21 June 2019
  • Video diary entry #3 is here! 23 June 2019
  • Video diary entry #4 is here! 24 June 2019
  • Video diary entry #5 is here! 25 June 2019


Past projects

KBART: Knowledge Bases and Related Tools

Standardised formats and best practice for metadata exchange e.g. for OpenURL knowledge bases.

This work is now managed by the NISO KBART Standing Committee. Read the final report "KBART: Knowledge Bases and Related Tools” published in 2010.

Note: updates to this document can be found at the NISO KBART site above. 

The final report, “Link Resolvers and the Supply Chain” published by UKSG in 2007 was the report that led to the creation of KBART by UKSG and NISO in 2008.

Other KBART-related material can be found here.



Ensuring minimum disruption for subscribers when journals are transferred between publishers.

This work is now managed by the NISO Transfer Standing Committee.

UKSG version 1.0

UKSG version 2.0 

Read NISO version 3.0


Usage Factors

Exploring online journal usage statistics as the basis of a new metric of journal value.

This work is now managed by COUNTER.

Read the final report 'The Journal Usage Factor project: results, recommendations and next steps' and 'Appendix A: The Journal Usage Factor: exploratory data analysis'


Assessing the Impact of Library Discovery Technology on Content Usage

The primary objective of this research commissioned by UKSG, with Jisc support, was to provide an evaluation of the impact of library discovery technologies on the usage of academic content. 

Read the report 'Impact of Library Discovery Technologies'