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Atypon has recently signed multi-year renewals with twelve of its publisher clients.
Jovis and Birkhäuser, two publishers specialising in architecture, have joined forces to expand their existing publishing programmes.
HighWire has formed a partnership with Cenveo Publisher Services to offer a one-stop workflow solution for academic publishers, spanning article submission to digital delivery.
John Wiley & Sons has announced a partnership agreement with Projekt DEAL, a representative of nearly 700 academic institutions in Germany.
Jisc and Eduserv began operating as one on 1 January 2019, and Jisc is also currently in discussion with HESA regarding the intention to integrate the two organisations.
Bloomsbury Digital Resources has announced strategic sales partnerships with Rowman & Littlefield and Manchester University Press, effective immediately.
ProQuest and Ex Libris are expanding their commitment to their Latin American customers and users, opening three new offices in the region and hiring additional local staff.
The Iowa State University Library and De Gruyter have signed a 'read and publish' agreement which represents the first of its kind for De Gruyter in North America.
The University of Huddersfield Press is the first university press to officially launch on the new Janeway publishing platform.

3 December 2018

Sage Publishing supports extended ORCID mandate



SAGE Publishing supports better recognition for researchers through extended ORCID mandate.