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Company news

EBSCO Information Services has entered into an agreement to acquire Zepheira, a provider of large-scale, decentralised linked data infrastructure.
Kudos has announced the launch of targeted Research Briefings, and also a partnership with the Publications Division of the American Chemical Society.
Copyright Clearance Center has announced that CSIRO, Australia’s national science research agency, is opting to use RightsLink for Scientific Communications.
Editage and Emerald Publishing have announced a partnership to support Emerald authors.
UKB, the Dutch consortium of university libraries, and Brill have reached a transformative agreement for the years 2020 and 2021. 
Brill has entered into a partnership with Harvard University Asia Center to distribute all the e-books published by Harvard University Asia Center.
Kudos has announced a new partnership with the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.
SAGE Publishing is signing a new open access publishing agreement with Bibsam Consortium, serving 42 of the member institutions.
Cactus Communications, a global scientific communications company, has acquired UNSILO, a Denmark-based AI and natural language processing company.
Kudos has announced a new three-year partnership with the American Diabetes Association.