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Library news

UK academic libraries are being encouraged to participate in a research project about open access being conducted by Érudit in consultation with Raym Crow, senior consultant at SPARC.
Western Sydney University has announced the extension of its partnership with ProQuest to offset the cost of textbooks.
The library at Liverpool John Moores University has selected ProQuest One Academic.
The library at the University of Exeter has invested in 75 multidisciplinary research databases from ProQuest.
CzechELib and De Gruyter have signed an agreement to provide access to De Gruyter journal collections.
ProQuest has announced that the British Library has integrated Syndetics Unbound into its catalogue.

29 November 2018

The National Library of Luxembourg [], la Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg, joined the Digital Preservation Coalition [] (DPC) during November, becoming the Coalition’s newest Full Member.

ProQuest has announced the launch of Idea Exchange, an online community intended to enable customers to shape the products and solutions they use.
Innovative has announced that Charleston Library Society has selected the Sierra Integrated Library System for the next five years along with Vital as its digital repository.
The Swiss Library Service Platform has opted to base Switzerland’s new national library service on Ex Libris Alma and Primo.