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Covering industry, culture, and politics, this varied collection offers a fresh perspective on a much-discussed period of American history.
Comprising the Tony Smith Catalogue Raisonné Project, these fully illustrated volumes will serve as comprehensive documentation of the depth and complexity of the American artist’s career while simultaneously positioning his oeuvre in dialogue with contemporary discourses on art and culture.
The Recommended Practice focuses on several key areas for e-book metadata — defining the minimal requirements for sales, discovery, delivery, electronic holdings management, and preservation purposes; identifying the best way to transmit metadata through the supply chain; updates to titles and holdings; developing rules for e-book metadata deduplication purposes; and sharing a variety of examples of recommended practice implementation.
The TCG Books Play Collection is now live on Drama Online. It has launched with 110 titles and will complete with a further 90 later this year.
The new new, fully-searchable digital book collection in partnership with online platform Exact Editions. Subscriptions are available to both individuals and institutions, including unlimited access to more than 40 titles across web, iOS and Android devices.
EBSCO has created a way for any user to search EBSCO content even before they authenticate to their libraries and institutions. EBSCO Essentials™ is a way to reach more users –– users who typically begin their research on the open web. The site also introduces EBSCO resources to searchers who may not realize the depth and breadth of content available from the libraries and other institutions with which they are affiliated.
Veterinary Source™ covers all aspects of animal health care including access to research from around the world on the prevention, control, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injury in animals.
CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform™ redefines its role in drug discovery with the inclusion of unique biosequence data collection and capabilities
Kudos and Impact Science have announced the launch of the COVID Knowledge Cooperative, a cross-publisher initiative to help broader audiences find, understand and act on research relating to COVID-19, coronaviruses and other infectious and respiratory diseases. Launch partners include the American Association for Cancer Research, American Chemical Society, De Gruyter, Hindawi, SAGE, University of Toronto Press and Wolters Kluwer.
The filmed performance of Angels in America Part One: Millennium Approaches and of Part Two: Perestroika will be added to the National Theatre Collection 2 on Drama Online in February alongside eight new films announced in November.