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Product news

BioOne has launched a new website for its content aggregation, BioOne Complete.

27 November 2018

Scholarly publishing tech provider, HighWire [], has partnered with computational reproducibility platform, Code Ocean [], to enable authors of academic articles to easily publish and share code associated with their research.

Atypon Literatum is now integrated with the IP Registry to offer publishers IP address verification.
ProQuest is starting the development of the Rialto service, aimed at unifying selection and acquisition in academic libraries.
Since its launch in June 2017, Cabells has investigated and verified over 10,000 individual titles for inclusion into its Journal Blacklist.
Code Ocean has formed a partnership with StataCorp enabling researchers to share Stata software code on Code Ocean, a computational reproducibility platform for researchers to share, discover, and run code.
RedLink has announced that the American Society of Hematology is the latest publisher to offer Remarq on the publisher’s site.
MDPI has integrated the open source annotation software Hypothesis for MDPI journal articles.
SAGE Publishing sponsors Public Editor to enable evaluation of the news at scale.
Credo has created Learning Tools to offer librarians new and updated resources for teaching foundational skills like information literacy, critical thinking, and communication.