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Lorraine Estelle and Steve Sharp

Insights has just published a curated collection of articles about the role of repositories and their implementation over the last twelve years. These articles highlight the crucial role of repositories in preserving and disseminating academic and research outputs

We invite librarians, repository managers and practitioners to submit their articles on this theme. Your article might share how you are tackling the challenges, including:

  • funding and sustainability: strategies to secure funding, ensure long-term sustainability and manage resources effectively
  • interoperability: solutions to enhance interoperability between repositories and other systems and to overcome technical barriers
  • metadata and standards: ensuring consistent and comprehensive metadata and adhering to relevant standards and protocols
  • user engagement: techniques to increase awareness, usage and user support for repositories
  • legal and ethical issues: approaches to navigating copyright, intellectual property, privacy and security challenges.

Submission guidelines

We are particularly interested in articles that provide case studies, practical insights and detailed experiences of how these challenges are being addressed.

Key details:

  • open access: Insights is fully open access
  • no APC for authors: authors do not need to pay article processing charges (APCs), thanks to support from UKSG.

How to submit

For submission guidelines and to upload your manuscript, please visit

For any queries, please contact us

About Insights

Insights: the UKSG journal aims to support UKSG's mission to connect the information community and encourage the exchange of ideas on scholarly communication.

Submit your articles and be part of this essential dialogue on the future of repositories!