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Company news

De Gruyter, an independent international academic publisher with roots in Germany, has increased staffing in its Boston, US office by 30 per cent.
Brill has announced a partnership with Jus Mundi for the distribution of Jus Mundi – Academic Research to the global academic market.
Wiley has announced a new publishing partnership with ISDN, and also a multi-faceted physiology taxonomy, developed in collaboration with The Physiological Society.
Copyright Clearance Center has announced its expanded partnership with De Gruyter for RightsLink Author.
HighWire is expanding its journal site hosting provision for the American College of Cardiology, and has also announced new partnerships with SendGrid and AdButler to offer publishers an enhanced email alerting service.
ACCUCOMS has announced that it will represent Mark Allen Group's health portfolio in India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, and the Journal of Clinical Oncology Digital Library worldwide.
The Charlesworth Group has announced that IFIS have selected the Charlesworth WeChat Account Management Service.
Academic Studies Press and De Gruyter have formed a commercial partnership to distribute ASP’s 360 frontlist and backlist e-books.
A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between MPDL Services, on behalf of Projekt DEAL, and Springer Nature, with the final contract to be concluded later this year.
ProQuest and EBSCO Information Services have extended their existing e-book partnership.