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Library news

New library management system to provide increased visibility of resources and enhanced user access
Jisc's new guide: purchasing digital archives; guidelines for librarians when negotiating with publishers
Study based on open responses collected in our 2019 student study from individuals who identified as having a physical and/or learning disability that required accessible technologies or accommodations for their coursework
New project aimed at realising the potential of technology to benefit the further education (FE) sector
Agreement covers SHEDL and other participating institutions
COUNTER has published the first module in its manual for librarians, a guide with clear and non-technical language intended to help librarians understand and get the best from their usage reports.
EBSCO has issued advice on claiming to libraries starting up operations during the next stage of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The authors of a study into metadata associated with the acquisition, cataloguing and discovery of streaming video in library catalogues are looking for UK responses.
AIP Publishing is preparing a white paper that examines how librarians contribute to the promotion of academic research.
Innovative has announced that the Sorbonne Interuniversity Library, which serves multiple universities in Paris, has chosen to migrate to the Sierra library services platform.