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East View Information Services and the Center for Research Libraries (CRL) have launched Post-Perestroika Newspapers, the fourth in-copyright collection of titles digitized under the Global Press Archive (GPA) CRL Alliance and the first collection from Phase 2 of the programme.
An interactive, open-access born-digital publication, this groundbreaking book’s interface encourages engagement with rich visual material and multimedia evidence.
Unique collection of films released on Drama Online from Bloomsbury Digital Resources.
Under the agreement, articles from the open access journals IUCrJ, Acta Crystallographica Section E, and IUCrData will be shared directly to the ResearchGate platform on publication, with the goal of facilitating the discovery of and access to new research in crystallography.
Eighty scholarly monographs and edited collections partially funded by libraries participating in MIT Press’s Direct to Open model will publish openly this year.
More than 100 publishers have now partnered with and integrated services to create an easy and seamless process for their subscribers to both audit and update the IP addresses used to authenticate access to content.
Oable was developed by Knowledge Unlatched, which Wiley acquired in 2021.
First released in 2017, Release 5 of the COUNTER Code of Practice (CoP) incorporates the concept of continuous maintenance. Thus far changes to Release 5 have been very small. In the last year COUNTER’s volunteer teams, led by the Technical Advisory Group, have been working on a more significant update to the Code of Practice designed to better facilitate Open Access reporting, among other matters, and are now opening our work up to community consultation.
Over 40 CRL affiliated institutions recently agreed to become founding institutional members of Policy Commons. This level of financial commitment means that medium-size CRL institutions will receive substantial additional discounts, and Coherent unlocks complimentary access for over 70 small CRL institutions.
The launch of the Global Social Challenges Journal, the first fully OA journal to be based in the social sciences, which also engages with research from humanities, arts and STEM. Including marginalised, minority and Indigenous world views, the journal will be an important home for research which contributes to the creation of alternative futures that are socially and environmentally just and sustaining.